Did you ever feel as though life is like a symphony – a theme is established, and from there it’s just variation and exploration? Have you lived to the age where you notice the patterns of people and circumstance begin to repeat? Can you side-step and look at it from the outside and understand your place in it all? That is probably impossible.
But the themes are there, playing on and on. Varying. Exploring. Expanding. Simplifying.
Tex was just Frog in a new skin. A variation. And that list goes on.
Is there a point to the repetition? And is it really there, or, am I just a pattern recognition machine that is now so full of data that I have begun to layer pattern on top of pattern? Yes, it seems this is just mapping – a form of projection I suppose.
And so let it play on, the symphony. Give me counterpoint and syncopation. Let the timpani carry the melody for a change. Let me hear it all and be absorbed into and lost forever inside that sweet music.