Maybe it’s a mistake. But it’s my mistake.
You can look backwards, in the direction from which you came, and still be uncertain how you ended up here. The path behind you looks like a worn trail, one with which you’ve become so familiar that you’ve already forgotten how much of it you had to clear for yourself.
You can stand here and look around and choose fear or awe. Or – perhaps in this instance they are the two sides of a coin minted in the intimidation of the unknown. So, go ahead and choose fear and awe. Just don’t stand here too long.
Because you have to push on – back to finding your own way, meandering on your own path – though, admittedly, not too far from the established trail. Just far enough away to get the right amount of lost. Just the right amount of lost to see things from a different perspective. And maybe, maybe it’s a mistake. But it’s my mistake.
It will always be easier to think there’s a purpose, a destiny, a magic. But if such a thing is to remain an unknowable or unchangeable mystery then why should I care? It is frightening, at first, to think this is all just pointless. But only at first. Eventually, comes the zen of just being there. Simplify everything. Buy the ticket, take the ride.