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David Knoell

Married to Stephanie Stroud

Lives in Salt Lake City, Utah

Occupation: Foole

  • Alarm Goes off at Seven

    My excitement grows knowing that in a few short days we’ll be back in the old barn making magic once again. Inside those walls and under that roof where previously every ounce of my creative energy was poured out and used up. To me, it is a temple, a sacred place of ritual and magic…

  • Zappa Stache

    Happy Equinox everyone

  • busted


    I caught them. They are getting to like each other even though Mitch is resisting. Today I caught them nearly cuddling together under these blankets. It’s close enough for now. At face value, this is just a cute picture of my dogs. But really, this is an abstract photograph of the weather outside. The meteorologists…